Ascend Digital Strategies

Colorado State Senate IE


8+ million impressions

Across YouTube, CTV, Facebook, programmatic, Snapchat, audio streaming, and Google search ads

$1.5 million spent

in Colorado’s most competitive State Senate districts.

100+ creative assets

From video, to graphics, to social copy.

100% victory rate

Despite being outspent we won in every competitive district.

After a successful 2020, in 2022 we were brought back on as the digital persuasion firm for the Colorado State Senate Democratic IE. We ran a $1.5M digital program across six competitive districts with creative tailored to the candidates and electorates in each race. With targeted YouTube, CTV, Facebook, programmatic, Snapchat, audio streaming, and Google search ads, we successfully highlighted the stakes of the election with respect to reproductive choice, while showcasing the positive economic messages and deep community ties of our Democratic candidates.

Despite being significantly outspent by our Republican opposition, we won all six targeted races — defeating two GOP incumbents and keeping four competitive open seats in Democratic hands. You can also read more about this innovative program here.

Digital Videos

Run - 15s

Stop - 6s